Pizzicato music definition
Pizzicato music definition

pizzicato music definition

2022 The wine imagery continues in the music itself - a pizzicato chord signals a cork popping, and further passages depict subsequent tastes of the wine. 2022 Bobbing heads dotted the audience through the scherzo, its pizzicato stretch particularly beguiling. 2022 The later pizzicato reprise also was a delight, Thomas playing with the orchestra’s dimensionality in exciting ways. Geoffrey O’brien, The New York Review of Books, 6 Apr. 2022 The pause-punctuated by three widely separated pizzicato chords-feels like a chasm. played by plucking the strings with the finger instead of using the bow, as on a violin.

pizzicato music definition

Definition (adjective): (of instruments in the violin family) to be plucked with the finger. 2022 Its bustle of puffing trumpets and pizzicato strings were cut by entrancing interjections of oboe. Definition (noun): a note or passage that is played pizzicato. Lukas Schulze, San Diego Union-Tribune, 26 Aug. 2022 Both Greensmith and violist Jonathan Vinocour were impressive in their ability to blend and drive through unison tremolos and pizzicato passages. A left hand pizzicato is usually indicated by writing a small cross above the note, and a Bartk pizzicato is often indicated by a circle with a small vertical line through the top of it above the note in question or by writing Bartk pizz. Jessi Virtusio, Chicago Tribune, 28 Oct. What is the definition of pizzicato Wiki User 18:48:32 Study now See answer (1) Best Answer Copy On a string instrument with a bow, such as violin, viola, cello, etc., pizzicato. Paganini introduced left-hand pizzicato, making it possible to play bowed tones and pizzicato tones simultaneously or in alternation.

pizzicato music definition

Directions for playing pizzicato are found in early 17th-century music. 2022 Ken, besides his classical roots, is deeply invested in the pop sound world and particularly the use of pizzicato on the cello and all the possibilities there. pizzicato (ptskt), in music, the technique of plucking the strings of an instrument that is usually bowed. Noun Her language thus had its necessary counterpoint: the Bronx’s fullness against her poetry’s economy the streetcorner’s pizzicato against her versifier’s swing. adjective Played by plucking rather than bowing the strings.

Pizzicato music definition